Sunday, November 20, 2005
boo and farid, you guys are just.. suckers.. i guess. sad to say. haha
didnt wanna follow cos they had their own reasons.
i'm cool.
oh yeah. bought a sweater at peninsula. with khai. only.
cos of those two we went out with only two left.
made us look like gays.
the sweater costed much much cheaper than that atticus sweater.
guess im gonna buy a phone tomorrow.
paying part of it.
whats worse.
using my collection to pay.
so sad.
they're coming back tomorrow!
Stand and sound; the guns of glory cry for war
2:42 PM
Saturday, November 19, 2005
define for me what is a typical singaporean. yup. well some people keep saying stuffs bout typical singaporeans when they don't even realise that they're one of them. OH COME ON! well well well.
enough about that. today was kinda stupid. had match with acsi. at their school. so we had transport from our sch, which we had to pay 2 bucks. went with boo and khai. luckily we were not late. instead coach was. summore carry umbrella from the carpark to the foyer. a little rain wouldn't hurt right? and so we went to acsi, i think at dover road. then it wasn't raining over there. so we played against acsi first. bla bla bla. i didn't play. also no mood. haha. then played with montfort. then got lightning and thunder. so stopped everything. waited for like a while and then the montfort people went back. i think. then only left us and acsi. played with acsi again. i think it was their sec1s. they were quite good you know. then it ended at about 7. then summore wanna go
jalan raya*. we took 196 to buona vista mrt station and all the way to tampines. kinda boring. no sort of boring. no no extremely boring. came home at around 8 plus. then i rush rush wanna go out. yahhh. go out until 10 plus. so now im just here.
* visiting. duh
miss you.
Stand and sound; the guns of glory cry for war
3:40 PM
Friday, November 18, 2005
why am i sleeping so late these days? haha yeah. REAL late. so sad. i wanna brush up on my editing skills! so fun. you can change faces of people! so so so so so fun.BOREDOM LEADS TO CHANGING THE FACES OF PEOPLE. wanna see what i did? okay i'll tell you what i did today. woke up late. so got less things to do. used the com until night. went visiting again. means more dressing up. klah thats practically what i did. now im gonna show you all my EDITED pics.TADA!
guess the real one. nahh we're just heptuplets. =)

yupp we sure did. we went out with these chicks.
Stand and sound; the guns of glory cry for war
2:22 PM
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
okay. hmmmm. today was okay lah. woke up at 8 in the morning cos got diarrhoea. haha lasted for two gruelling hours. then went back to sleep again. woke up at 1+ and got farid's message. met him at 2 and played pool. so long never play.everything so karat. then play play play until 4 i think. then went to tampines, ate KFC and headed home. then again, at night. VISITING. which means $ ka-CHING! $. haha yeah. took pics of my hair again. haha so fun. you'll see them. im b-o-r-e-d now. haha i'll go edit the hari raya photos! girls, watch out (the ones who ent for visiting), cos im gonna change your faces! =)
BYE. go look at my hair!

sweet huh.


RED. AGAIN. yupp.
Stand and sound; the guns of glory cry for war
11:09 PM
today sucks big time.
woke up at almost 4PM.
didnt do anything much.
the sucking ends at night when i went visiting.
took the taxi with my grandad.
so funny.
reached ang mo kio.
played with my baby cous.
ate canadian pizza.
listened to JAZZ.
okay. what's with jazz.
ohwell. that was another day of my life.
five more days?
or six?
Stand and sound; the guns of glory cry for war
3:06 PM
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
darn she's gone to perth. a whole week. well at least got to say byebye at the airport. haha. then me aslam and syakeer were playing at the airport. so lame. but funny. ='(
WOW.went jalan raya on the 12th. with the last yr ppl, including aslam,syahidah and nadiah. i just love going to jalan rayas. they're just to fun. haha these were the pics taken.haha. it was fun i tell you. its just too long to tell. okay. oh well. firstly! zak said the van broke down! wtf! haha what to do right. so we met at kallang mrt and headed to cikgu's house. food pit-stop. then we headed to zaks. another food pit-stop. yeah. so we went to fatin's next. as usual, we took pics again.there. but actually we took pics all the way! haha so fun. oh yah, so we headed to ros' place next. another food pit-stop! haha. okay. we then went to ihsan's. ate kuehs only. haha. then we went to.. umm.. oh yah yasmine's. another food pit-stop. then went to mine. it was considered what? dessert? haha ate choc cake! so we went to nadiah's and watched this documentary about some womb thing. and aslam and nadiah played chess! hahaand then we went to farid's house. no one there. we played xbox and then they were playing with the 'keris'es. so lame. haha yupp. then we took the taxi all the way to aslam's place. where there was another food pit-stop. ate roti kirai. delicious! then we were all lazy to do anything but to sit. so we were at aslam's place until around 12 i think.and ros' auntie sent all of us home. so funny. 13 people in an suv. so funny. luckily i was the first one to go! thanks ros.yupp. thats all about the jalan raya 2005.
oooh wow. -_-"

i love this pic.


nadiah. yasmine. me.

best buds.haha right.

the four of us took the same taxi. haha
Stand and sound; the guns of glory cry for war
5:21 PM