Thursday, December 28, 2006
Okay, i have to admit, i've been out lately these few days/weeks. With me going out almost everyday, i realised that im out of clothes!
TOPMAN. i realised that topman has been dominating my wadrobe. and i got skinny jeans! FINALLY. sweater, tshirts. hell yeah. need, more, clothes!
19th DecemberThis was when i went out with gee, lajambo, fathi, fareez, khai and wan. dont know why we went town for. got a topman wallet. i was broke the minute i bought that wallet la. slacked at mccafe till i was forced to go home.(2nd pic, farid looks damn gay.) it was also quite a long time since all of us met up and went out. so it was the only time everyone was free.

24th DecemberThis was after kl. The day we came back we were already out again. went to marina square with the 3a ppl. they all separated la cos some didnt want to eat this, some didnt wanna eat that. really annoying.
25th DecemberThe next day i was out with my siblings and cousins. that was my first time out with my cousins. we havent met for quite a while too. and my eldest cousin looks like some gangster. nice bod, fierce man. the one in green. ate, then walked walked. got my bag.

That night, had
seafood! it was greaaat i tell you. i think i ate the most la. really filled myself up. and i think i need to train already.
JUST NOW, went to get my books. intended to go buy school uniform too but farid said they were going out. so i just had to meet up. reached orchard and saw fareez and farid walking. i glanced around, and i saw ahpoh, with two girls infront of him. at first i thought ahpoh was goin out with us. haha.
ppl have been saying i've grown
taller. =)
THE FILIPINOJason, come back quickly la i want my hubs! haha as you all know he is in the phillipines!*filipino, filipino!* that just reminded me of the black eyed peas song, 'bebot'. ha. He's supposed to get me a new frame! asswipe.
Its almost
5 in the morning and i havent had any shut eye. goodness.
Stand and sound; the guns of glory cry for war
3:37 AM
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
its official, i havent slept for 17 hours straight. LOL. from 4pm yesterday. weee. and im off tomorrow!
Stand and sound; the guns of glory cry for war
9:34 AM
Monday, December 18, 2006
If you're sad or just now in the right mood, i'll bet this will cheer you up. its damn funny.
Firstly, FUI! (don't mind ah fui)
Next up, Ghim!
Taupok! Haha.
Sorry guys hahahha.
Stand and sound; the guns of glory cry for war
12:31 AM
Sunday, December 17, 2006
How on earth could i have missed this. And i was broke!

We had to eat at ljs when some people wanted to eat so much at carl's jr. As you can see here, kevin was absolutely posing for the camera while han wei trying to act cute. haha. no offence guys im putting this for fun. =D

This was after the movie. Dont really remember, but someone wanted to go arcade. Not fun. But this was (points downwards). Me and Kevin lost. It was close. Hah.

Don't know what the heck they're doing to fui here. He looks sad. Haha in the LRT/MRT.

This was at Jeremy's place. He eats organic food. See. Looks kinda, different. Pool time! And i would like to thank Jeremy's mum for the kfc.

Lastly, i feel like wearing specs. (though they're not mine.)

That was my day.
Stand and sound; the guns of glory cry for war
11:58 PM
weee nothing to blog about now.
It must have been cold there in my shadow,
to never have sunlight in your face.
You were content to let me shine
You always walked a step behind.
I was the one with all the glory,
while you were the one with all the strength.
Only a face without a name
I never once heard you complain
Did you ever know that you're my hero,
and everything I would like to be?
I can fly higher than an eagle,
cause you are the wind beneath my wings.
It might have appeared to go unnoticed,
but I've got it all here in my heart.
I want you to know I know the truth, yes I do.
I would be nothing without you.
Stand and sound; the guns of glory cry for war
1:52 AM
Thursday, December 14, 2006
weee my own name on the sticker! self made man.

Stand and sound; the guns of glory cry for war
10:11 PM
ME CYCLING BACKWARDS. hahaha. Listen to the background voice. i think its jason. this is yesterday's vid.
Stand and sound; the guns of glory cry for war
8:33 PM
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
ECP, Maride Parade, Parkway Parade, ECP, Lagoon. I repeated ECP twice. One heck of a day.
Okay, I shall explain why. We basically rode a lot around that area. Met up with Jason at 1, I think. Met Amos at Tanah Merah MRT that area. Actually we, no, Jason, insisted on riding to bedok first due to the dark clouds up ahead. I told him it was brighter at the ECP side. So okay, we went to ECP. Rode, rode, and rode. It started to rain. We headed to McDonalds and just slacked. Jason cleaned his wound. He fell for nothing! Seriously Weird.
(I forgot what happened after that)
We went to Marine Parade area because Amos was hungry. He bought blueberry waffles and mango pudding. He also bought for us chocolate waffles. LOL. Bought drinks at MCP supermarket. Damn cheap.
Went to the McDonalds area at Parkway Parade. A lot of people. I finally can ride backwards! LOL. Damn cool. played there. Went back to ECP.
Roxy Square. We cycled in there! When we were going out, they security guard said,'Don't cycle in here.' Amos replied,'Can push?' Guess what the guard said. 'Uh, ya ya push.' LOL. went to the bike shop at Roxy Square carpark. Jofi Cycles. YAYA PAPAYA only the guy. WHAT ever. And so, we went to the 7-11 nearby. Group photo of bikes! There was only mine, Amos and Jason.
Went back to ECP. Did my cycling backwards. Alot of casualties.(Don't worry, nobody died. =) ) Went to lagoon. Played there till it rained. Slacked there. Saw my cousin working there. When he saw me, he straight away pointed both his middle fingers at me, high up in the air. I was like,'WTH!' Talked to him for a while. Bla Bla Bla. Wanted to head home but sadly it rained DAMN heavily. Had to go back to lagoon. Jason ordered satay from my cousin. Got $2 discount. Not bad la. Then Amos and Jason shared money buy 'HAM'? Cockles lah. Had fun eating man. 1st time too.
Finally we rode back home. Me and Jason were singing songs on the way home. Damn funny. Should have recorded.
Actually there's a lot more that happened but im just lazy to say. =) Have a nice day/night. Whatever.

Riding in Roxy!

Mossy. Tsk tsk tsk.

Jason and I.

Group Pic!

Hidden Mickey!


He ate a lot.

Our bikes at Jofi Cycles.
Stand and sound; the guns of glory cry for war
9:57 PM
Monday, December 11, 2006

our Mr JayZ! hahahah.

my caramel frap venti with creaaaaaaaaaaaaam.
yay got space in my phone already. 512 only. should have gotten the 1 gig. anyways today was fun. haha.
Stand and sound; the guns of glory cry for war
11:18 PM

FUCK YOU! hahahaha.
Stand and sound; the guns of glory cry for war
8:10 PM
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Turn away,
If you could get me a drink
Of water cause my lips are chapped and faded
Call my aunt Marie
Help her gather all my things
And bury me in all my favorite colors,
My sisters and my brothers, still,
I will not kiss you,
Cause the hardest part of this is leaving you.
Now turn away,
Cause I'm awful just to see
Cause all my hairs abandoned all my body,
Oh, my agony,
Know that I will never marry,
Baby, I'm just soggy from the chemo
But counting down the days to go
It just ain't living
And I just hope you know
That if you say
Goodbye today
I'd ask you to be true
Cause the hardest part of this is leaving you
Cause the hardest part of this is leaving you
last two lines.
Stand and sound; the guns of glory cry for war
11:17 PM
Saturday, December 09, 2006
finally got new line.
pls delete my old number kay. the 81473442. i'll tell you my new number.
and i accidentally deleted my phonebook list. shit.
Stand and sound; the guns of glory cry for war
12:18 PM
Friday, December 08, 2006
yesterday was so last minute. i watched the man u match. okay only la. didnt get much sleep. slept at 6 woke up at 9 like that.
DECEMBER 06jason said they were going sentosa the next day. then amos said he told me before but i totally forgot!
DECEMBER 07/08met them at the school bus stop.realised quite alot of people going la, so i thought it was gonna be fun. well it is la. there was amos, suf, weilie, ryan, jason, harry, wing, zao, bert, jac. glad and otah met us up later on. i think thats all la. took bus 10 there, ate at the bk at vivo. wheee whopper with cheese! then took the bus to sentosa.
we went siloso beach. they were preparing for zouk out. interesting. played soccer abit, then went into the water. played alot of nonsense. chicken, dodgeball, volleyball. hahaha. all so lame. then me and wing went to those little islands. swam our way there and wrote on the sand 'HAHA!' and 'HELP'. they said they could see the words from the other side. cool. soon after suf, amos and weilie came. they buried suf for a while then buried me. the sad was freaking soft la. then they did all sorts of nonsense. when going back, we tompang-ed these kayakers. hahah. funny. then halfway we tell them can already then swam back to the beach. had fun la. buried zao after that. we washed up after that.
went back to harbourfront. drank starbucks which was supposedly to be free. i paid $1 for it la. then instead of the ice blended we got the hot one. toffee nut latte. then they dont let us change summore. then ate macs. walked ard vivo.
jason followed me to my place to get my sch u cos we staying over amos' place. my aunt sent us there.
we played pool for like only what, a miserable 5 mins only at amos' hse. then went up to amos place. there was like rations man. haha. cup noodles, milo, apple juice, biscuits and all that. played fifa06 on the xbox. played table tennis on the dining table. played skipping rope. hahaha damn funny. we actually wanted to buy pizza for ourselves but it was too late. 1 person 1 pizza. haha. me, jason, amos, ryan, harry and suf. we decided to go to macs at ecp. wtf.
walked there! damn far. we ran at the underpass. dont know why also. someone started to run and everyone ran! i had blisters, all thanks to amos' sandals. ate there. until 3 plus. then we decided to take a cab to amos place but the taxi drivers didnt allow. wtf! but they say lagoon there can. okay la at least it was near amos' place already. walked back. they intended to swim at 6am. it was ard 4-5. me and amos played a little fifa and then they all slept. in the end everyone slept. woke up at 7 by ryan i think. then washed up and went to school.
DECEMBER 08went to sch. did a maths with sean. like nobody already there la. talked a while. didnt do anything much. the canteen was also closed. went back to amos place. they watched kids central while i slept. woke up then went home already. siaaaan.
over all, i had like 6hrs++ of sleep only for 2 days, and doing so many things in that period of time. beat that.WILL POST PICS AS SOON AS AMOS SENDS ME!
Stand and sound; the guns of glory cry for war
2:58 PM
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Stand and sound; the guns of glory cry for war
9:26 PM
Monday, December 04, 2006
went to ride again today. me, filipino boy and amos. met up with them at jason's house. amos changed his seat with the jason's bmx (suf's ex) haha lol. anyway, we intended to go to the bike shop to get my pegs fixed up, but no! the shop was closed. think they went holiday or something. so i threw the pegs in the bushes near the bike shop (hopefully nobody finds it! =x ). so sad for my bike.
so we rode to ecp as usual. played at lagoon. went back and forth ecp. so boring la. then abit further up the bedok jetty there was a mysterious looking tent. twas weird. there was a couple inside, dont know doing what. threw stones at the tent, but all didnt hit the tent itself. so we continued riding. went mac there saw sid. then he pangseh his friends and rode with us instead. what a friend. haha. then we got bored. and so, we went to marine parade to ride. drank loads of liquids. ate at macs twice. so bored of riding at the same place. then we went home la. mos was listening to his mp3 while jason and i were arguing about the dirty turban thing. at the last part, did the indian guy say 'come again' or 'terminate'? please tell me what you all think. thank you very much. if i were to win the bet, jason would owe me 2 magnum ice creams! haha.
go here, listen, and tell me. dirty turban prank call
Stand and sound; the guns of glory cry for war
10:54 PM
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Stand and sound; the guns of glory cry for war
4:14 AM
2nd december(yesterday)
school. for a maths. then went out with some of the 3a ppl till night. went to hui fang's place to play pool. and mahjong! weee. aft midnight i think, went to ride with jason and bernard. fun la. until 4plus or 5 i think, went to bernard's place watch new world disorder vid. nice. went home at 6 with jason. bought my nasi lemak ate breakfast at home and slept at 6 plus coming to 7.
3rd december(just now)
woke up at 4plus PM and really really got up at 5. fixed the pedals bernard passed to me and got ready. went to the condo infront of our sch for sth. me, chin chye, darrell, jeremy, huifang and this boy named nat(chin chye's something. dont know what also. relative or friend). 20bucks! after everything, went to jeremy's house, to play pool and mahjong again! haha. 2 days already. then went home.
This battle is on all
You've made beautiful
Now hateful
You wretched life wrecker
Now suffer
Stand and sound; the guns of glory cry for war
1:37 AM