Sunday, March 25, 2007
FNR! i got the odyssey evolver brakes, and they are a hell of alot better than normal brakes. or maybe cos of the brake pads. koolstops all weather brakepads rocks.
jason and his fufanu

Stand and sound; the guns of glory cry for war
1:34 PM
Sunday, March 18, 2007
time for pictures!


weee 180 downslope.

the hip at parkway.

180 off ledge. thats not me by the way.
im getting lazy to blog.
like they say, 'a picture paints a thousand words'.
so yes, i shall post pictures.
Stand and sound; the guns of glory cry for war
4:01 PM
Sunday, March 04, 2007
FOB rocked!
it was freaking tiring, i tell you although it was fun.
okay so this was what happened.
met sophian, his sis and yasmine at simei mrt. i was late. hahaha. and we went to expo by mrt.
queued there, saw my mum's friends' son. saw hui min, but i wasn't sure if it was her at that time. then saw finn also. nad came late!
suddenly at around 4 plus or 5 plus, or 6, suddenly people started standing up, then running to the exit. so we all stood and ran! then we got stucked there la. people pushing here and there. i asked nad for her cards and started throwing them! damn funny, made friends around too, cos they also wanted to play with the cards. then there was the 'terbotak' guy nad and yas were laughing their asses about.
we got in, they put the band thingie on our wrists, and we ran into the place! we got a nice place already la, but there were people who spoilt it la. THE indianARMPITS! nad was beside that person, so she experienced the most! so sad. then they were like, shouting at each other la. funnay.
then there was this band, who played, and then saw loser, previously known as pug jelly. even before fob came out, i was already exhausted. everyone got separated, and i was with yas only.
nad called me, she said she was outside. she was infront actually, and the bouncers actually pulled her out cos she was like, dying. haha! we got out and met nad, and we took a drink. ran back in and saw fob already out!
woots, almost half the songs were from the previous album, the other half was from the new album. i think i didnt know 1 of the songs only. but yeah, it was fun!
after the whole thing ended, me nad and yas went to eastpoint and bought big gulps. i ate chilli crab instant noodles! haha. then headed home.
i have yet to upload the pics! soon kay. hahah.
Stand and sound; the guns of glory cry for war
3:46 PM